Today is a very exciting day for us here in Get the Shifts, we have some very big news to share with you all – We’ve got a makeover!
New name, new apps, new features, new tagline – the lot, just another step toward global domination!
Ok, so the big reveal… our new name… Drum roll please…
Our new app will allow us to offer shifts to an additional 4,000 Wrkstars (temp workers) each month, and we are on track to secure 500 new shifts to keep them busy.
The WrkWrk Name
As you’ve probably guessed, we’ve taken a few liberties with the spelling of WrkWrk. It’s not that we’ve anything against the letter O, it’s just that we’ve had an espresso, we’re a bit excited, and we’ve got lots to tell you. First of all, it’s pronounced WorkWork, only a bit faster.
We’re WrkWrk
People often ask us “Why do we get out of bed in the morning?” It’s because we’ve got a goal. And that goal is to change shiftwork forever. For too long it’s been too demanding. Too frustrating. Too ungrateful. But we’ve fixed all that.
We make shiftwork work for everyone. Make it easy. Make it feel human (in a good way). No more losing sleep over it. No more cancelling plans because of it.
And once you’ve got all the work stuff sorted, life just feels a whole lot easier. And when life is easy, people are happy to work hard.
When happy people work hard, that radiates. And when those happy, radiating people get instant pay, and commitment-free work, it’s easy to find the right people for the right shifts and the right shifts for the right people, every time.
We are changing lots of things but the one thing that will never change is how committed we are to providing Flexible work, Fast pay and No Commitment!
Speaking about the rebrand, Lynne McCormack, General Manager of FRS Recruitment said, “We are very excited about WrkWrk and what it means for the future of flexible, temporary staffing.
Since we acquired the business last year, we have seen it continue to grow and flourish and now we hope to bring the capabilities provided by WrkWrk to an even wider, international audience.
That was the driving force behind our decision to launch this new brand, giving the business a name that will appeal in foreign markets by adding a more universal dimension to our profile.
WrkWrk is a unique name that we expect will become the go to solution for employers and workers when it comes to shift work across Ireland, and hopefully beyond, in the very near future,” she said.
Her comments were echoed by Hannah Wrixon, General Manager of WrkWrk. “Our aim at WrkWrk is to make shiftwork work for everyone. We are providing an instantaneous solution that allows workers and employers alike to sort out their shiftwork needs through their smartphone on a 24/ 7 basis.
With a few taps on our app, employers can get the right people for the right shifts and workers can quickly pick up commitment free employment that allows them to work when and where it suits. This is the type of effective, dynamic solution demanded by a modern 24/7 economy and we expect to see the demand for WrkWrk grow both at home and abroad over the next 12 months,” she concluded.
To Download our new App:
Wrkstar App: App Store , Play Store
Client App: App Store , Play Store
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